Friday, October 18, 2013

Monaghan Genealogy Course

Really enjoyed the last 4 days at The Garage Theatre, Monaghan with about 100 others. The Theatre is brand new, not open yet. Quite a few Americans, Canadians & English came for it as well as 3 Australians.

It was an hour & quarter drive for us each way, but well worth it. As well as numerous wonderful talks on all the main sets of Irish records, one day we had a lovely morning at the Castle Leslie Estate - beautiful grounds, lake as well as castle. The 97 year old 'son' showed us around. They are cousins to Winston Churchill & have their grand piano, which he played! Castle built 1878 - FULL of art work (100's years old) walled in frames & painted on walls in hallways & rooms. A 400 year olf Egyptian tapestry & tiled marble fireplace nearby.
The loo was fascinating!!!! You had to pull the handle up to flush it!!!!!
Unfortunately, it was a very foggy day - fog did not lift until 12 noon!

Another day the Australian Ambassador, Dr Ruth Arndell made a surprise visit. She had been visiting here 'roots' farm nearby & met rellies, planted a tree on the opposite side of the house to where her relatives had planted one before they left 170 years ago! We had photographs taken with her. Other blurred photo of me with Dr William Roulston, President of Ulster Historical Society.

As well as the fog one morning we had rain one day. A bird flew up & hit the windscreen frightening the daylights out of us! We saw some twin new born calves on the way home each day, as well!

We were very anxious when we saw Barry O'Farrell on Aljazeera News when we got home. We rarely hear any Australian news - have they chosen a leader of the Labour Party yet! - but we did not know where the fires were. So sorry for the people who lost homes - looks like it may not be over yet with more hot, windy weather to come.

Off to the AGM meeting & dinner of The Clogher Historical Society tonight & tomorrow I'm speaking at the Fermanagh Historical Society meeting at Enniskillen Library.

WET & cool today!


  1. Loving the pics Mum, great to see some countryside.. and well as meeting some important people on your travels!

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